Discipline involves a continuous process of guiding behaviour and is offered while acceptable behaviour is occurring, as well as before, during, and after unacceptable behaviour is displayed. The goal is to assist childen in developing self-control, self-confidence, and ultimately, self-discipline and sensitivity in their interactions with others. We consider the unique development of each child’s needs and abilities, and work to establish an environment that will facilitate this and other learning processes.
Rather than using “Time-Out’s”, we feel that “removal” from a stressful situation is a more appropriate way to teach children how to self-regulate and address difficult issues calmly. We encourage a child to take a few minutes alone to calm down, regain control of his/her body and think about what the issue is. Then we work with the child to come back and address his/her concerns, and assist him/her in appropriately resolving the conflict at hand. Depending on the age and/or developmental level of the child, and the severity of the conflict, the removal could be anywhere from 10 seconds to 5 minutes.